Spinal Decompression
Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy is an effective treatment for:
● Herniated or bulging disc(s)
● Degenerative disc disease
● Facet syndrome
● Sciatica
● Post-surgical patients
● Spinal Stenosis
Spinal decompression is FDA cleared and has been clinically proven to be successful with the pain and symptoms associated with herniated discs and/or bulging discs … even if you have been suffering for 10, 20, or 30+ years… even after failed surgery. The BEST part about it is there are absolutely no documented side effects!
Research indicates the disc is responsible for a significant number of Lumbar (lower back) and Cervical (neck) pain syndromes, particularly with symptoms (pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, spasm, etc.) which radiate into the extremities (buttocks, legs, & feet- from the lumbar spine, and shoulders, arms, & hands- from the cervical spine). Compression of the spinal discs increases intradiscal pressure leading to annular compromise and possible extrusion of nuclear material.
In plain English: When a disc becomes injured &/or degenerated, the outer rings weaken, the disc flattens and then bulges out (toward the spinal cord &/or nerves) becoming the primary cause of pain and other symptoms (numbness, tingling, weakness, spasm…).
Spinal decompression therapy in conjunction with specific treatments (depending on your particular condition) effectively relieves the pain and disability resulting from disc injury and degeneration, by actually repairing the damaged discs and reversing dystrophic changes in nerves (allowing the nerves to heal).
Studies verify the significant reduction of intradiscal pressures into the negative range (to approximately minus 150 mm/HG) which result in the non-surgical decompression of the disc and nerve root. Conventional traction has never demonstrated a reduction of intradiscal pressure to negative ranges; on the contrary – many traction devices actually increased intradiscal pressure, most likely due to reflex muscle spasm. The spinal decompression table is designed to apply distraction tension to the patient’s spine without eliciting reflex paravertebral muscle contractions.
By significantly reducing intradiscal pressure, spinal decompression promotes retraction of the herniation into the disc and facilitates influx of oxygen, proline and other substrates. The promotion of fibro elastic activity stimulates repair and inhibits leakage of irritant sulphates and carboxylates from the nucleus. The most recent studies (sought to correlate clinical success with MRI evidence of disc repair in the annulus, nucleus, facet joint and foramina as a result of treatment) found that the disc herniation reduced as high as 90%, with healing of the outer rings (the Annulus Fibrosis) in all cases.
In Short: Spinal Decompression addresses problems with the SPINAL DISCS, relieves your pain, allows you to get back to enjoying your life… FAST & without risky drugs or surgery!